

About author

Rajeev Malhotra, a leading sports journalist from India, has turned his passion for cricket into a thriving career in sports journalism. Born and raised in Delhi, Rajeev had an unwavering interest in sports, particularly cricket, from an early age. His eloquence and passion for cricket led him to a career in sports commentary following his education at the University of Delhi.

Over the last decade, he has been a continuous sports journalist, covering various international matches and following professional cricket teams around the world. Rajeev is known for his insightful and honest approach to reporting, deep knowledge of the sport, and the ability to speak in a language that is both accessible to cricket fans and newcomers to the game.

He has earned a reputation among his respected subscribers and fans as a reliable source of profound analytical materials and entertaining commentary. Rajeev continues to cover the world of cricket proficiently, presenting his views and thoughts anew and excitingly every day.

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